0797669121(This is not a safaricom customer care number) for immediate connection.For direct call to safaricom customer care please call 400.
If you are already using the safaricom home fibre, you can change the default username and password for your wifi by following the following instractions.
1.Access your router by typing the following ip address in your browser: .Enter the username and password to login to the settings panel.By default the username is Root and password is adminHW.
You can also check this credentials from the bottom of the router.
2.Changing settings.
Once you have logged in,you will be prompted to change your password,this is your login password and not wifi password.
Change your password then navigate to WLAN on topbar menu.Identify SSID name column then change to your favourite name.Identify WPA Preshared Key and change it to your own password.Click on Apply to change the setings,your pc will disconnect from the wifi,you will have to connect again using the password.
3.Restarting your router.
Incase you want to restart your router for rebooting,click on the last menu tab System tools then click on Restart to reboot your router.
NOTE:Do not change any other settings on the router because it may interfere with your connection and speed.